I, the undersigned, agree to participate in the above-named program in accordance with all rules and regulations. In consideration I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, assigns, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims that I may have, or may arise, against Sharing Our Roots, their sponsors, agents or representatives, for any and all injuries or losses suffered by me in connection with the activity covered by this roster. I understand that certain activities are physically challenging and potentially dangerous and I assume all risk associated with my participation. Additionally, I represent that I am physically and emotionally capable of performing the activities.
I also give my permission to Sharing Our Roots to use any photos and videos of my participation in Sharing Our Roots events for marketing and advertising, such as on promotional materials, annual reports, brochures, newsletters, website, and social media.
To electronically sign, please type your first and last name below: